There are many trees or wild fruit trees on the shore; the storm will cause the leaves and wild fruit on the trees to fall on a large scale, so a natural den will be formed here. Even if there is no wild fruit tree, there will be a lot of bugs blown into the water on the tree, so it is correct to fish in a place with many trees.
Downwind slag area; generally speaking, when there is a storm, the wind is most likely to blow towards the end of the library. The wind will bring a lot of food to gather in the slag area. Although the water is relatively mixed, it is here to fish for big plate crucian carp, carp, and yellow bones. Fish is right, earthworms are recommended as bait.
Backwater Bay: The large backwater bay of the river, because rain will cause rapid currents in some places, fish will find the water bay to rest and feed when they get tired from below.
Erdaokan with a water depth of 2-3 meters; wild fish, especially river fish, do not feed on a large scale. They usually walk next to the ridge and go back to eat where there is or may be food. This deep second ridge is actually a natural fish pass. It is a must pass for cruising up and down. After rain, this fish pass will become busy.
Blacklist of fishing spots after heavy rains: small islands in the river, slippery places (previously there are traces of landslides or landslides), and under the water inlet. These places do not mean that there are no fish, but are particularly dangerous!
Fishing position selection after the storm