-The fish finder uses advanced GPS system that can show the location of the vessel as it moves on water.
-The screen's features are easy to use and have the capability to locate fish in all terrains of water.
-Can be used in different weather patterns like for example the rain, snow, under ice fishing, on fast flowing lakes and aggressive rivers.
-Some fish finders have a noise reduction feature that can captures even images of fast moving prey.
-A temperature gauge is a feature in the fish finder that is used to locate the exact location of the fish especially during the spawning time.
-Just like home decoders, fish finders have trackback capabilities that can be used to review the movements a vessel has made.
-Depending on the depth of the water, fish finders are available in different power voltages .If the waters are deep salty waters, a fish finder with a high peak watt can be used.
-A side scan gives you the option of finding fish on either the left or right side of the boat. This increases your view of your surroundings and in turn shows you more fish.
-The fishfinders can be used to fish as a port, commercially or for pleasure.
-The fish finders have the capability to figure out the difference between the bottom of a water body and a large rock depending on the strength of the reflected electric signal.